It had all started with playful flirting. I am your husband’s friend and had come to see him. One thing led to another and here we were stark naked.
You squirm, feeling the enormous head of my cock at your slit. Even though you realize that your pussy is fairly wet with your own juices, you know it would not be a comfortable fit. My engorged penis is too thick for your little pussy. You had given me a wonderful blow job, though reluctantly and Your sucking on my cock had aroused me beyond any control, I am past the point of restraint. You get no warning to my sudden violent thrust. Your pussy is so tiny against my enormous member, but I hold none of my strength back as I violate your tender body, pushing my bestial length in as far as it would go. You scream as I thrust deep into your tiny tight passageway. Your back arches , as you try hard to pull away. I reach from behind you, my strong hands crushing your breasts as I pull your rear in against the steely muscles of my waist. I begin to fuck you hard, taking you violently, each thrust of my swollen, inhumanly large member forcing your passage to give in to me, until eventually my balls are slapping against your quivering thighs and the sensitive womanly point near your opening is smashing against my hard, unyielding groin.
You realize you did not bargain for this. You squirm, screaming and moaning, to no avail as your soft delicate pussy lips are stretched to accommodate my massive member. My relentless thrusting shakes your whole body, thighs quivering as you try to withstand the massive invasion of your pussy, each violent thrust of my cock into your pussy, pushing you into the desk’s edge. I am panting, pleasure filling my body as my hardness rips your soft pussy folds, the repeated friction of my cock inside your pussy driving me crazy. The burning ache in my member when you were sucking it is now gone, now that my cock had what it needed – the clasping milking of your pussy. Your tight, slick pussy walls squeeze at my sensitive flesh, eliciting groans of pleasure from my lips. Sweat slides off from all over my body and splashes onto your quivering buttocks.
I keeping fucking you like an enraged bull on and on. My iron endurance seems to have no limit, and as time goes on, the strength of my thrusts only seems to increase.
You feel like you are being split into two by my invading manhood that is relentlessly violating your softness. “God make him cum.. please make him cum” you silently pray, as you endure my long deep penetration of your soft womanly core. Slowly, the feeling of being ripped apart begins to fade, replacing itself with a slight sense of pleasure. You clench your fists, trying to hold it back. The steady rhythmic fucking gives you the feeling that I wasn’t even close to being finished with you yet. My fingers begin to massage and pinch your small breasts as I lean forward and brush the nape of your neck with my tongue. Holding you down I fuck you with long deep thrusts of my cock. Harder and harder, my pace increasing with each thrust. You feel like your pussy is being torn to shreds. Suddenly, my hand tightens viciously on you crushing your muscles and my phallus spasms and swells deep inside your pussy as I release copious amounts of my hot, thick, seeds. It floods your womb and then overflows, sliding out of your moist, sorely abused hole and dripping down your thighs. You are gasping for air. My massive cock still lodged deep inside you, gradually softening. You groan softly, feeling what seems to be gallons of hot cum spraying out into your innards.
I lean over on you covering your small body, eyes closed, lost in the aftermath. My palm slithers against your wet naked body, finding your nipples and softly brushing against them while my other hand finds your soaked groin and the tips of my fingers run across your clitoris, over and over. You moan softly, your hips pushing down on my fingers, trying to increase the friction.
“Ohhh… yes…” you groan.
Still in a daze, eyes half-closed, I lean over and begin licking your neck, my nostrils exhaling hot air onto your sweat-dampened skin and sending chills down your spine. As my member slides from your opening, hanging down as thick white semen drips from it, my fingers wrap around your pussy. One finger finds your sorely used, cum-soaked sex and slides curiously in, wriggling about, while the other slips into the crevice of your lovely ass, piercing your other hole. You cry out softly, having been pushed to the edge and you come, loudly and violently.